The government has launched a new series of Government Securities (SBN Retail), the ORI025 series as a safe and profitable investment alternative. ORI025 will be issued in 2 investment tenors, namely a 3-year tenor or ORI025T3 and a 6-year tenor or ORI025T6. Choose the tenor you want and get cashback of up to 0.20%! Let's place an order immediately via M2U ID App or visit the nearest Maybank branch office.

Invest through Maybank now to participate in domestic economic recovery!


Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Indonesian SBN Issuing Company


ORI025-T3 dan ORI025-T6 


Indonesian Citizens

Offering period

29 January – 22 February 2024 (As long as the National quota is still available)


 Paperless and non-tradable

Date of settlement

28 February 2024 


ORI025-T3: 15 February 2027

ORI025-T6: 15 February 2030

Amount value per unit

per Unit IDR1,000,000,-

Minimum order


Maksimum order

ORI025-T3 : IDR5,000,000,000

ORI025-T6 : IDR10,000,000,000

Reward type

Fixed Rate

Reward rate

ORI025-T3: 6.25% per annum

ORI025-T6: 6.40% per annum 

Date of first reward

15 January 2024 

Free payment date

The 15 of every month. In the event that the coupon payment date is not on a working day, then the coupon payment carried out on the next working day without interest compensation. Working day is a day on which payment system operations are organized by Bank Indonesia.

Reward adjustment time

3 working days prior to the start date of the reward period.

Minimum Holding Period

1 time coupon payment (Ownership can be transferred starting April 16 2024)

Payment Agent

Bank Indonesia

Terms and conditions of the cashback program:

  • Details to earn up to 20% cashback:




Cashback Early Bird

29 January  - 7 February 2024





Reguler Cashback

8 – 22 February 2024





  • Cashback will be credited to the Customer's source of purchase account no later than 31 March 2024
  • PT Bank Maybank Indonesia, Tbk reserves the right to cancel, postpone, extend or terminate this program beforehand; vary, delete, or add any of the terms and conditions with absolute decision and will be informed through Maybank website at

Enjoy safe investment with multiple benefits and privileges through Maybank Indonesia. Before investing in Retail Government Bonds ORI025, please learn first about offering information. ORI025 are not banking products issued by Maybank Indonesia. Maybank Indonesia is one of the Retail Government Bond Distribution Partners appointed by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance.

Download the M2U ID App now and start investing to make all your dreams come true!

Easy way to order ORI025 via M2U ID App

About Bonds

Surat Utang Negara (SUN) :

Surat berharga yang berupa surat pengakuan utang dalan mata uang Rupiah maupun valuta asing yang dijamin pembayaran bunga dan pokoknya oleh Negara Republik Indonesia, sesuai dengan masa berlakunya, sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-Undang SUN.


Surat Berharga Syariah Negara (SBSN) :

Surat Berharga Syariah Negara atau dapat disebut Sukuk Negara adalah Surat Berharga Negara yang diterbitkan berdasarkan prinsip syariah, sebagai bukti atas bagian penyertaan terhadap Aset SBSN, baik dalam mata uang Rupiah maupun valuta asing.


Dijamin oleh Negara
Kupon dan Pokok dijamin oleh Negara
Return menarik
Lebih tinggi dari rata-rata Deposito, dengan pajak lebih rendah.
Mendukung Pembangunan
Turut serta mendukung pembiayaan pembangunan nasional
Investasi aman dijamin oleh undang undang
Undang-Undang SUN : Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2002 tentang Surat Utang Negara.

Undang. Undang-Undang SBSN : Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 19 Tahun 2008 tentang Surat Berharga Syariah Negara.
Dijamin pembayarannya
Pembayaran Kupon dan pokok sampai dengan jatuh tempo dijamin oleh Undang-Undang dan dananya disediakan dalam APBN setiap tahunnya.

Fitur Produk 

Perhatian : Agar dipelajari terlebih dahulu informasi-informasi penawaran SUN dan SBSN sebelum berinvestasi.
SUN  dan SBSN bukanlah produk perbankan yang dikeluarkan oleh Maybank Indonesia.
Maybank Indonesia merupakan salah satu Mitra Distribusi yang ditunjuk oleh Kementerian Keuangan Republik Indonesia