How To Calculate Deposit Interest in Easy and Profitable Ways

27 December 2021

Cara Menghitung suku bunga deposito

Easy time deposit opening via M2U ID App and M2U ID Web

How to open a Time Deposit

One of the deposit options offered by a bank is time deposits. Time deposits, in contrast to savings, are an investment option with the lowest risk among other investment products. Deposit owners will earn interest on the money they save since deposits are an investment. You should know how to calculate deposit interest so that you may use it as a benchmark for the amount of money you can obtain from a bank deposit.

Before you make a deposit, you should be aware that there will be a 20% deposit interest tax. The amount of deposit interest tax that will be charged to you has been documented in Income Tax Article 4 Paragraph 2. Here's how to calculate deposit interest so you can see your profit when you deposit money.

Deposit interest = Deposit funds x Deposit interest rate x Tenor (in months)/ 12 (Months) x 80% (100% - 20% tax on deposit interest)

As an example, here is the calculation for Maybank Indonesia's deposit interest rate with a minimum deposit of IDR10,000,000 with a tenor of 12 months. Interest on the deposit = IDR 10,000,000 x 3.25% x 12 / 12 x 80%, then you will get a profit of IDR 260,000 per year.

Deposit interest is typically higher than savings interest. The amount of the deposit interest is determined by the amount of money you save,the more money you save, the higher the deposit interest you will receive. Also, each bank has a different deposit interest rate.

You have the option of making a deposit in Rupiah or another foreign currency. The interest rate on Maybank Time Deposits is separated into numerous categories, including:

IDR counter

IDR Counter is only valid for deposits opened at Maybank branch . The minimum placement of money that you must retain in a Rupiah time deposit is IDR 10,000,000, with an interest rate of 2.75 percent per year as of November 23, 2021.

Maybank Maybank Time Deposit via M2U ID App (mobile banking) or M2U ID Web (internet banking)

Customers who open Maybank Time Deposit  through the M2U ID App or M2U ID Web are eligible for this time deposit. The minimum placement of money that you must save in Rupiah is IDR 10,000,000, with an interest rate of 3.25 percent per year as of November 23, 2021.

The following are some of the advantages of using Maybank Time Deposit:

1. Available In Multicurrencies

Available in USD, SGD, EUR, CNY, AUD, GBP, JPY 

2. Flexible Terms

Ranged from a month up to 24 months.

3. Credit Guarantee

Time deposit can be used as a collateral for new loan. 

4. Open Online Time Deposit

Open Online Time Deposit via M2U ID App /M2U ID Web.

5. Available in Shariah Time Deposit

Deposits from Maybank Indonesia's sharia banking products are available.


You can open a deposit in one of two ways, Visit Maybank Indonesia branches or using the M2U ID App.To make an online deposit, simply log into the M2U ID app, Login to M2U ID App looking for Apply Online and Select "Online Deposit".

Let's open a Maybank deposit using the M2U ID App right now! With Maybank Indonesia, you can manage your finances with ease.