Enjoy longer internet access with extra data! Exclusively for Tri users, get up to 7 GB of bonus data with every purchase of Tri data packages through the M2U ID App.
Purchase Tri data packages via M2U ID App and enjoy bonus data!
Valid until 31 December 2024
Terms & Conditions
Valid for Tri data package purchases via the M2U ID App according to the following terms:
Data Plans Denomination
Extra Quota
Active period of
Extra Quota
>= IDR50,000 - IDR75,000
3 Days
3 Days
5 Days
Each Customer number can purchase a data package consisting of the main data and an extra quota of up to 7 GB once per day.
The remaining extra quota from the previous day will be accumulated with the extra quota purchased the following day, with its validity following the active period of the next day’s purchase.
The extra quota is valid from the time the transaction is successfully processed and follows the active period as stated in the table above.
The extra quota is available for 24 hours over a period of three (3) days.
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk entitled to cancel, postpone, extend or terminate this program in advance; vary, delete, or add to any of the terms and conditions of the absolute decision by giving notice in accordance with the applicable provisions and will be informed at maybank.co.id
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk has the right to cancel, postpone, extend or terminate this program beforehand; vary, delete or add one of the terms and conditions of the absolute decision by providing notification in accordance with the applicable provisions and will be informed at www.maybank.co.id.
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk at any time based on its own discretion has the right to disqualify customers who are proven or indicated to have committed fraud, violated applicable laws and regulations and/or carried out other deliberate manipulation in connection with the implementation of the program.