Live your life passionately. Face your challenges courageously, knowing your dreams and your family's future are well protected with our Optimum Investment Asset development and maximum protection solution.
Maybank offers various life, disaster and health insurance products, from UnitLink based, life credit to conventional products.
Find the insurance products to suit your needs.
Rumahku Plus
Rumahku Plus, a complete home insurance package to protect you and your home inside and out.
Asuransi ApartemenKu is an insurance that covers all types of losses to apartment assets. As well as providing protection for the Insured who has a personal accident and compensation for the loss of your apartment unit.
Automobile Liability Insurance is insurance that provides reimbursement for compensation claims filed by third parties against you for traffic accidents experienced.
Fire Insurance is a type of insurance that provides protection for damage to buildings or assets caused by fire, lightning, explosion, falling aircraft and smoke damage.
Cargo Insurance adalah produk Asuransi yang memberikan jaminan perlindungan terhadap kerugian keuangan yang dialami Tertanggung akibat dari resiko kerugian atau kerusakan barang yang terjadi di dalam perjalanan dari tempat asal barang sampai ke tempat yang dituju, baik melalui darat, laut dan atau udara.
Usahaku is a business insurance product that protects and facilitates your business. There is a comprehensive business premises protection package with the benefit of additional funds after insurance claims.