On August 19, 2017, Maybank Indonesia initiated an event to share love and hope with children with disabilities through three initiatives, which are sharing, fun learning and submission of donation. Sharing activities were carried out by sharing inspiration and fostering unyielding spirits through stories or inspirational stories. While fun learning was carried out by interacting directly with children with disabilities through educational games. This initiative with the theme "Enabling Communities with Solutions" was part of Maybank Indonesia Global CR (Corporate Responsibility) Day program by involving students in special schools (SLB) located around the Bank's operational areas.
Global CR Day is a symbol of our commitment to support and empower marginalized communities, in line with Maybank's mission of "Humanising Financial Services" to be in the community, to grow and develop with the community. Global CR Day began to be implemented in 2010 and each year had a different theme that covered aspects of education, environment and community empowerment. In 2017, there were 59 Global CR Day program initiatives in 59 cities with the topic of education conducted by Maybank Indonesia employees involving children with special needs, and people with disabilities.