Tips and How to Investing in Gold Periodically Through M2U ID App

30 April 2024

Gold Investment Starting from 10 Thousand via M2U ID App

Guide Open Gold Savings Account

Gold is one of the most popular types of investment. One of the reasons is because gold investment is safer for some people who want to start investing with low risk. In addition, gold price movements tend to increase based on historical data. In general, gold prices always increase from year to year, but there are times when gold prices are stagnant. So, what makes gold prices go up and down? Here are some reasons why gold prices can rise and fall.

  • Safe Haven

    Gold is often known as a “Safe Haven” Investment which is a term for investment assets that remain stable amid global economic instability and uncertainty due to various factors, such as war, recession, and inflation. The value of safe haven assets will remain stable even if the prices of basic goods and other valuable assets are affected by political, economic, social, and geographic factors in the global market.

    In a way, safe haven is the right choice for friends who want to invest to meet the needs of old age.

  • Gold Supply and Demand

    The law of supply and demand applies to gold. When the demand for gold is higher than the supply, the price of gold will rise. Interestingly, the availability of gold in the world is very limited so gold can be used as an instrument for investing.

  • Inflation

    Inflation is one of the factors that make the price of goods and services rise, this also has an impact on gold. The higher the inflation rate, the more expensive gold becomes. People prefer to keep their assets in gold because in the event of inflation, money will lose its value.

There are some tips and ways to invest in gold wisely for beginners. Here are the tips:

1.   Determine investment objectives

Before investing in gold, you should first determine the goals you want to achieve. You can set various investment goals such as education funds, pilgrimage, or retirement funds.

2.   Determine the amount of investment you want to make

Before investing, you will certainly set the total investment that will be budgeted. You can determine the total grams of gold or the total rupiah you want to invest in gold purchases. Through the M2U ID App, you can invest in gold directly on a regular basis, be it weekly or monthly, according to your needs.

3.   Invest in gold in a trusted place

Choose a platform that you can trust. Currently, gold investment can be done digitally. Maybank collaborates with Pegadaian to present Pegadaian Gold Savings in M2U ID App so you can easily invest in Pegadaian gold through M2U ID App.

ome of the benefits of saving gold or investing in Pegadaian gold via M2U ID App that you can get include:

  • Available on the M2U ID App so that gold buying and selling transactions are easier and can be done anywhere.
  • Gold sold on the M2U ID App has a 24-carat grade and is guaranteed by Pegadaian.
  • Registration can be done through M2U ID App in real time.
  • Professionally and transparently managed.
  • Competitive buying and selling prices. The latest gold price information is available every day.
  • Customers can make gold transactions starting from 0.01 grams or Rp10,000.
  • Customers can make sales and purchases of a maximum of 100 grams per day.
  • Customers can make regular purchases either weekly or monthly.

For more information, please visi this page.

If you want to invest in gold regularlyvia M2U ID App, see how to do it below:

  1. Login M2U ID App
  2. On the main page, navigate to the “investment & insurance” menu, then click the '+' button or click on your gold portfolio.
  3. You can see the details of your previous gold transactions and the selling price of gold. If you want to buy gold, select “Buy”
  4. Select the type of periodic purchase and enter the nominal gold purchase or the amount of gold weight in grams you want to buy, then click “Buy Gold”
  5. Select the frequency of purchase time (monthly/weekly)
  6. Choose the period of purchase
  7. Select the date/day of debiting, then click “Buy gold”
  8. Select the source of funds account that will be used for debiting periodic gold purchase transactions
  9. Read and check to agree to all terms then click “Next”
  10. Verify your periodic gold purchase transaction details and click “Confirm”
  11. Enter your Secure2u passcode
  12. Successful periodic gold purchase transaction

For complete information on how to invest in gold periodically via M2U ID App, please see this page.

Let's invest in gold periodically via the M2U ID App!