Make the most of your out of town trip by staying at Swiss-Belhotel International. Available in various selected cities, it will surely make every trip easier for you! Get discounts of up to 20% on room rates and enjoy delicious dishes available at the hotel restaurant using your Maybank Credit Card.

Period until 1 April 2025

Swiss Belhotel
Enjoy 20% off with Maybank Credit Card at Swiss-Belhotel Indonesia through online reservation.

Maua Nusa penida
Get discounts of up to 20% for staying and dining and don't miss the special promo for discounts of up to 25% during the Maybank Marathon 2024.

Grand Swiss belhotel
Book now and get discounts of up to 20% on room and dining rates at Grand Kitchen with Maybank Credit Card.

Hotel Ciputra
Take advantage of discounts of up to 20% off on room and dining rates at The Gallery Restaurant with a Maybank Credit Card.

Zest Hotels
Promotion of up to 20% off at Zest Hotel Legian Bali specifically during the Maybank Marathon 2024.