Before start, prepare following documents:
Access Maybank website through PC/Laptop/HP with address (recommed use latest version Chrome atau Mozilla browser)
Enter “Kode Perusahaan” make sure it is filled in according to the guidelines provided and click “LANJUT”. |
Enter “No Handphone”, “Alamat Email”, “Konfirmasi Email” and click “LANJUT”.
Scan e-KTP by click button “SCAN” dan click “LANJUT”. Or upload scanned file e-KTP by click button “UNGGAH” and click “LANJUT”.
Ensure “Nomor KTP”, “Nama Lengkap”, “Tanggal Lahir“ and “Kewarganegaraan” are correct. Then fill in “Kode Pos” according to address in KTP, “Nama Ibu Kandung”, “Pendidikan” and click “LANJUT”. |
Take “Foto Diri” by click button “SCAN” or upload scanned file “Foto Diri” by click button “UNGGAH” and click “LANJUT”.
Enter “NPWP” and click “LANJUT”. Or select “klik di sini” if you do not have NPWP. |
Make sure you have filled in the data completely. Fill in “Tanggal Bergabung Perusahaan” . |
Fill in the job information address according to “KTP” and click “Data Keuangan”.
Fill in “data domisili” & “korespondensi” and click “LANJUT”.
Create user ID Internet Banking (minimum 6 characters consist of letters and numbers),example user ID: “Hello20”. Then create “Password Internet Banking” and “Konfirmasi Password” (minimum 8 characters consist of uppercase, lowercase, number and do not contain name and date of birth), example Password: “Unique09” and click “LANJUT”. |
Select the image as verification of Internet Banking Login and click “LANJUT”.
Select one of the statements on this screen
Select a statement on this screen.
Opening account has been completed. You will receive an account opening confirmation email which will be sent to email address according data that was informed at the time of account opening.