Type SMS, send to 69811, SMS format as follow :
No | Service Type | SMS Command | Example |
1 | Maybank SMS+ Banking activation | AKT MBANK | AKT MBANK |
2 | Check balance | • SALDO • SALDO <No Rek> |
• SALDO • SALDO 1234567890 |
3 | Mutations - Last 4 Transactions | • MUTASI • MUTASI <No Rek> |
• MUTASI • MUTASI 1234567890 |
4 | Transfer to Maybank Account | TRANSFER <No Rek Asal> <No Rek Tujuan> <Jumlah> | TRANSFER 1270070123 1270070456 50000 |
5 | Transfer to Non Maybank Account (ATM Bersama, Prima dan ALTO) | TRANSFER <No Rek Asal> <Kode Bank> <No Rek Tujuan> <Jumlah> | TRANSFER 1270070123 014 3353017167 50000 |
6 | Bill Paymnet | BAYAR <No Rek> <Kode Biller> <No Pelanggan> | BAYAR 1234567890 0002 0211234567 |
7 | Maybank Credit Card Bill Payment & others (Open Payment) | BAYAR <No Rek> <Kode Biller> <No Kartu Kredit> <Jumlah> | BAYAR 1234567890 0001 4423731012345678 100000 |
8 | Mobile Phone Top-up | ISI <No Rek> <No HP tujuan> <Jumlah> |
ISI 1234567890 08129295503 100000 |
Specifically for CDM A Esia: No HP + # 2 | ISI <No Rek> <No HP tujuan+#2><Jumlah> |
ISI 1234567890 02198855728#2 100000 |
9 | Maybank Credit Card Bills Info | INFO <Kode Biller> <No Kartu Kredit> |
INFO 0001 4423731012345678 |
10 | Email Registration Balance Info Notification |
REG EMAIL SALDO <Alamat Email> |
REG EMAIL SALDO abc@xyz.com |
Stop Email Notification Info Balance |
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