20 November 2024
Dear Valued Customer,
We hereby inform you that effective by 14 December 2024, there will be a number of changes to the Terms and Conditions pertaining to M2U ID App/M2U ID Web. The changes are related to the addition of a new feature, "Secure2u Passcode as a Replacement of TAC on M2U ID Web (internet banking)".
The following is the changes of Terms and Conditions of M2U ID App/M2U ID Web that will take place.
No. |
Items |
Previous Terms and Conditions |
New Terms and Conditions |
1 | Introduction | M2U ID Web/M2U ID App is an official digital banking application from PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk (hereinafter referred to as Bank) which has been licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) intended for individual Bank Customers to carry out banking transactions independently. As part of OJK's prerequisites in terms of Customer understanding, M2U ID Web/M2U ID App will ask for Customer data including but not limited to KTP Number (NIK), full name, place & date of birth, address, NPWP, information about employment and financial data, telephone or mobile number and Customer selfie. This data will be sent and stored in Bank's banking system (https://m2u.maybank.co.id) and Bank will guarantee the confidentiality of Customer data which will only be used for the purpose of Customer banking transactions. Mobile number information is only for sending transaction codes such as SMS TAC (Transaction Authorization Code)/SMS OTP (One Time Password) and e-mail addresses for activating security features and providing notifications on transactions that occur on M2U ID Web/M2U ID App. |
M2U ID Web is the official digital banking internet service owned by PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk (hereinafter referred to as Bank), which is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia, provided to individual Customers of the Bank for self-service banking. M2U ID App is the official digital banking mobile application owned by PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk (hereinafter referred to as Bank), which is licensed and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia, provided to individual Customers of the Bank for self-service banking. As part of the OJK's requirement for Customer understanding, M2U ID Web/M2U ID App requires your data as a Customer. The data needed includes, but is not limited to, your ID number (NIK), full name, place and date of birth, address, Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), employment and financial information, phone number, and selfie photo of the Customer. The data provided will be stored in the Bank's system. The Bank guarantees the confidentiality of the Customer's data, which will only be used for banking transactions. Phone numbers are solely for sending SMS One Time Password (OTP), and email addresses are for activating security features and notifying transactions in M2U ID Web/M2U ID App. |
2 | Article I Definition of TAC |
Transaction Authorization Code, hereinafter referred to as SMS TAC, is a series of numbers or numbers in the form of an OTP (One Time Password) consisting of 8 (eight) digits which is additional authentication for carrying out transactions via M2U ID Web in addition to User ID and Password. SMS TAC is sent by the Bank via SMS to the Customer's mobile phone registered within the Bank. |
No information in regards to SMS TAC |
3 | Article I Definition of Secure2u |
Secure2u is a security feature in the form of a Passcode as a form of Customer authentication for carrying out transactions via M2U ID App in addition to User ID and Password. Secure2u must be activated at the time of registration or device replacement. |
Secure2u refers to a security feature consisting of a Passcode of 6 to 8 digits for Customer authentication in performing transactions through M2U ID App in addition to User ID and Password. Secure2u must be activated at the time of registration or device replacement. |
4 | Article I Definition of Customers |
Customer is the owner of an individual savings and/or current account in the Bank who will/has been registered with Bank as a user of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App. |
Customer refers to the owner of an individual savings account, current account, and/or credit card in the Bank who will/has been registered with Bank as a user of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App. |
5 | Article I Definition of One Time Password |
One Time Password, hereinafter referred to as SMS OTP, is a series of numbers or numbers consisting of 4 (four) digits used in M2U ID App as additional authentication when registering, activating/changing/forgetting Passcode Secure2U, changing device, and forgetting Password. |
One Time Password, hereinafter referred to as OTP, is a series of numbers used as additional authentication during registration, activation/change/forgotten Secure2U Passcode, device replacement, forgotten Password in M2U ID App, as well as an additional authentication during credential reset activities, forgotten Password, and forced Password change on M2U ID Web. |
6 | Article I Definition of Passcode |
Passcode is a series of numbers or strings of numbers created by the Customer himself when activating Secure2u and then used by the Customer to carry out transactions on M2U ID App which is confidential and must not be disclosed to other parties. |
Passcode refers to a set of numbers or digits created by the Customer himself when activating Secure2u and then used by the Customer to carry out transactions on M2U ID Web/M2U ID App. Passcode is confidential and must not be disclosed to other parties. |
7 | Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility |
Not stated |
To perform transactions through M2U ID Web, Customers are required to download M2U ID App and activate Secure2U Passcode. This is because Secure2U Passcode input for transaction authentication through M2U ID Web is done through the M2U ID App. |
8 | Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility |
Not stated |
The Bank will provide proof of ownership of products or services requested via M2U ID Web/M2U ID App using communication media according to Bank’s policies. |
9 | Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility Part 1 Point 5 |
For new device that has never activated Secure2u, Customer will be asked to (i) enter SMS OTP on M2U ID App (ii) create a Secure2u Passcode. Next, Bank system will send an activation e-mail to the Customer's e-mail address registered within the Bank as additional verification for the activation process for using Secure2u. |
For new device that has not activated Secure2u, Customer will be asked to (a) create a Secure2U Passcode, (b) enter the SMS OTP sent to the registered phone number, and (c) enter the OTP sent to the registered email address. |
10 | Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility Part 1 Point 5 |
For new device that has never activated Secure2u, Customer will be asked to (i) enter SMS OTP on M2U ID App (ii) create a Secure2u Passcode. Next, Bank system will send an activation e-mail to the Customer's e-mail address registered within the Bank as additional verification for the activation process for using Secure2u. |
For new device that has not activated Secure2u, Customer will be asked to (a) create a Secure2U Passcode, (b) enter the SMS OTP sent to the registered phone number, and (c) enter the OTP sent to the registered email address. |
11 | Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility Part 1 Point xi |
For each transaction via M2U ID Web/M2U ID App, the Customer will be asked to request an SMS TAC (for M2U ID Web) or enter the Secure2u Passcode (for M2U ID App). 1 (one) SMS TAC is only valid for 1 (one) transaction and is valid for the period specified in each SMS TAC received by the Customer. |
For each transaction via M2U ID Web/M2U ID App, the Customer will be asked to enter the Secure2u Passcode. Specifically, Secure2U Passcode used in M2U ID Web has an expiration period based on Bank's internal policy. If the Secure2U Passcode has expired, Customer can request to resend the Secure2U Passcode via M2U ID Web. The expiration period will be displayed by the Bank after the Customer confirms the transaction on M2U ID Web. |
12 |
Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility Part 1 |
SMS TAC sent to the Customer's cellphone can be received by the Customer in condition that the Customer's cellphone inbox is not full and/or there is no interference with the Cellular Operator's system network. |
SMS OTP sent to the Customer's phone can be received by the Customer in condition that the Customer's phone inbox is not full and/or there is no interference with the Cellular Operator's system network. |
13 |
Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility Part 1 |
All forms of use of SMS TAC, User ID and Password, Secure2u Passcode, including but not limited to theft/duplication/loss/falsification of the Customer's telephone number and/or SIM card connected to M2U ID Web/M2U ID App as well as the consequences of using M2U ID Web/M2U ID App which is not the Customer himself. |
All forms of use of SMS OTP, User ID and Password, Secure2u Passcode, including but not limited to theft/duplication/loss/falsification of the Customer's telephone number and/or SIM card connected to M2U ID Web/M2U ID App as well as the consequences of using M2U ID Web/M2U ID App which is not the Customer himself. |
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Article III Terms of Use of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App Facility Part 2 |
B. SMS TAC Maybank2u ID and / or Secure2u Passcode
15 |
Article IV Personal Data Protection |
Not stated |
16 |
Article V Documentation |
Not stated |
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Pasal VI Keamanan Siber |
Not stated |
The Customer agrees and understands that the Bank has the right and authority to request compensation from the Customer and/or report the Customer at the first opportunity to law enforcement officers if in the Bank's opinion, the Customer has made efforts that are categorized as criminal acts/actions, including cyberattacks (whether the attempt fails or succeeds). |
18 |
Article VII Others Point 2 |
Customer will release the Bank from all losses, demands or lawsuits whatsoever and from any parties if Bank is unable to carry out the instructions/orders submitted by the Customer or if the implementation of Customer's instructions/orders by the Bank causes losses to any parties, including because Customer instructions/commands cannot be implemented, whether in whole or in part, due to causes or events beyond the Bank's control and capability, such as natural disasters, war, riots, equipment conditions, system/transmission malfunctions, electricity/telecommunications disruptions, government policies/ Bank Indonesia which must be obeyed by the Bank or other causes/events outside the control of the Bank and also losses due to negligence or errors made by the Customer. |
The Customer is responsible for the instructions/orders given by the Customer to the Bank and if the implementation of the Customer's instructions/orders by the Bank causes losses to any party, including because the instructions/orders cannot be implemented due to a Force Majeure event. Force Majeure is an event beyond the control and ability of the Bank such as natural disasters, war, riots, equipment conditions, systems/transmissions that are not functioning, power/telecommunication disruptions, government/Bank Indonesia policies that must be obeyed by the Bank or other causes/events beyond the control of the Bank and also losses due to negligence or errors made by the Customer. |
19 |
Article VII Others |
Not stated |
If in carrying out instructions/commands received from the Customer, Bank requires authorization from the Customer, then such authorization is deemed to have been given by the Customer to the Bank as soon as the Customer agrees to the Terms and Conditions at the time of registration as a user of M2U ID Web/M2U ID App. |
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Article VII Others |
Not stated |
These Terms and Conditions have been adjusted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including the provisions of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) and Bank Indonesia regulations. |
The latest Terms & Conditions of M2U ID App/M2U ID Web can be found here
Enjoy the convenience of banking transactions through the M2U ID App or M2U ID Web.
For product information and/or 24/7 services, please contact Maybank Customer Care at 1500611 or +622178869811 (from overseas), or email to customercare@maybank.co.idThank you
Best regards,
Maybank Indonesia