Login to your M2U ID App
then click QR Pay on dashboard screen to setting the QR
Click “Next”
Choose default account for QR transaction
Set the maximum limit transaction, click confirm
Input passcode secure2u
QR transaction setup has been successful and can start making transactions
Login to M2U ID App
On your account dashboard, select “Scan QR” in the bottom right corner
Point your cellphone at the QRIS you want to pay and scan
Input the nominal transaction amount, and click “OK”
Confirm the transaction amount, and click “Process”
Check the payment details once again, and if appropriate click “Confirm”
Your payment has been successful. Click “Done” to close the app, or “Pay More” to make another payment.
Choose “Generate QR”
Input amount transaction
QR code create successfully.
Scan QR on screen, or choose “Print” for print QR code. |
1. Input data account
Enter account and handphone number
for owner/PIC merchant and click "Lanjut" |
Input TAC code
2. Input data merchant
Prepare KTP Owner and
click "Lanjut" |
Input detail merchant: name, address,
business name printed on QR |
Input detail merchant: phone number and income
per month. Click “Lanjut” |
3. Input data owner
Input owner's information
click "Lanjut"
4. Input data PIC merchant
Input PIC
merchant information |
Click button "lanjut"
(If PIC same with owner, data automatically fill in) |
5. Input data transaction notification & Upload KTP Owner
Upload photo KTP
Click “Lanjut”
Read terms & conditions apply
and click “Lanjut” |
Submission of QR merchant has been successful
You will be contacted by Maybank for further processing. |
Login to your M2U M2U ID App, then click setting icon.
Choose QR Transaction.
Choose Transaction Limit.
Set Your Limit Transaction (slide the button), click Confirmation & Request TAC.
Enter the SMS Token/TAC/passcode Secure2u, and click OK.
You have successfully changed your QR Pay Setting.
Open M2U ID App, and select “Scan QR” in the bottom right of the login page.
Point your cellphone at the QRIS you want to pay and scan
Input the nominal transaction amount, and click “OK”
Confirm the transaction amount, and click “Process”
Check the payment details once again, and if appropriate click “Confirm”
Input Secure2u passcode
Your payment has been successful. Click “Done” to close the app, or “Pay More” to make another payment.