Digital Solutions > M2U ID App > FAQ & Troubleshooting
Customers can open Maybank Savings Account online through M2U ID App at Appstore/Playstore Easy and simple, can be done anywhere and anytime.
Maybank Customer who already has Maybank Savings Account in M2U ID App application can open another Maybank Savings Account, by following this step:
You can download M2U ID at Playstore/Appstore – Choose Register Maybank2U – Choose Yes (already have Maybank Savings Account) - continue the steps of opening an account in the application.
Every Indonesian Citizen (WNI) who has an Identity Card (KTP) and is recorded in the Population Data of the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs (Dukcapil).
Prepare your e-KTP and NPWP before filling in the Maybank Savings opening data. Self-portraits are done by taking selfies on the application.
To activate Secure2u, please follow this guide :
The passcode must consist of 5 – 8 digit numbers and make sure not to use the same number repeatedly (e.g: 11111) and consecutive numbers (e.g: 12345).
In case you forgot your Secure2u passcode, please follow this guide to reactivate Secure2u Passcode :
You can change your Secure2u passcode by following this guide :
Make sure the email you registered is active. If your email is inactive, at the step of "send activation link to your email”, you should click "Update e-mail” and input your active email to receive Secure2U activation link.
Answer :
Appears on the screen:
"You have an incomplete [Savings/Haji/Salary] account opening process. Would you like to continue opening the previous account?"
You can re-enter mobile phone number and email. You will receive a notification with option to continue the data that has already been filled in or to repeat data entry.
*To see the software version of your mobile phone: Click Setting - General - Software update
**To see M2U version: Open Appstore/Playstore - search M2U ID (Maybank2U ID) - click Maybank2U ID. You can see the version. If it hasn't been updated, please update it first.
Re-install M2U ID, login with your ID and password